Is there any pertinent information which can guide us as it relates to models specific to European brand owned vehicles, Toyota or other brands which qualify under the CARIFORUM – EU EPA or the CARIFORUM – UK EPA?

Is there any pertinent information which can guide us as it relates to models specific to European brand owned vehicles, Toyota or other brands which qualify under the CARIFORUM – EU EPA or the CARIFORUM – UK EPA?

Neither the CARIFORUM – EU EPA nor the CARIFORUM – UK EPA is specific to a brand, make or model of motor vehicle. Once the motor vehicle meets the origin criteria of the respective EPA, it may claim preferential access.

The motor vehicle must “originate” in any one of the twenty-seven (27) Member States of the European Union and be directly transported to Jamaica from the EU in the case of the CARIFORUM -EU EPA; or in the case of the CARIFORUM – UK EPA, it must “originate” in the United Kingdom and be directly transported from there. The product specific rule of origin to be met to be considered as “originating” is found in Annex II to Protocol I Concerning the definition of the concept of ‘originating products’ and methods of administrative cooperation. A valid, original Movement Certificate EUR.1 must also be submitted to the JCA along with your import declaration for clearance.

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