What is The Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA)?
ASYCUDA World is a web based portal that supports paperless declaration processing through the use of electronic documents. It has been implemented in over 80 countries worldwide as a solution to provide a more reliable and efficient service to the Public, Government Agencies, Trade Operators and other Stakeholders.
What are the immediate and long term benefits of ASYCUDA to the tax payer?
- It will significantly reduce unnecessary delays in the clearance processes.
- The system also offers a platform for linking other government agencies.
- Further, the system will ensure transparency and credibility by sending real-time feed back to taxpayers.
How will ASYCUDA World specifically improve Clearance times?
- Simplified Procedures (BPR)
- Paperless Environment
- Non-Redundant processes
- Risk Based Intervention
- Enhanced Revenue
- Improved Compliance
- Less Administrative Costs
- Faster Clearance