1. Am I required to pay customs duties and taxes on goods which were bought overseas and were sent for repairs under warranty?

    No, once the warranty information is presented to Customs, no duties are payable on the goods, once the goods were repaired under warranty. (Chris, this is my answer to this question, based on my understanding)Yes, duties are payable on the cost for repairs

  2. How long are perishable goods held before they are auctioned?

    It is lawful for the Commissioner to sell same immediately, without notice, by public

  3. How long after my goods have been sent to Queens Warehouse, do I have to retrieve them before they are auctioned?

    The goods can be retrieved up to the day before the auction, provided that the necessary requirements have been satisfied.

  4. Can my relative collect a shipment on my behalf?

    Yes. This can be done by providing a letter of authorization signed by a Justice of the Peace along with a certified copy of a valid ID and TRN. The person must also present a valid ID.

  5. Do seeds for planting require a permit for importation?

    Yes. This can be obtained from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and
    Fisheries (MICAF).www.micaf.gov.jm

  6. What is CAF?

    This is the Customs Administrative Fee/Processing Fee paid on all import and export declarations.

  7. How do I register for an auction?

    You need one (1) passport sized photograph, valid ID, TRN and registration fee of two thousand dollars ($2000.00)

  8. What is the import duty and taxes on a cellular phone?

    Duties and taxes are charged on the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)- ( Import Duty 20%, SCF 0.3%, ENVL 0.5%, GCT 25%)

  9. How much is it to clear a barrel?

    The minimum charge on a non-commercial barrel is J$6500.00

  10. Can Customs duties be paid in US currency?

    No, if paying by cash, however, US Visa and Mastercards are accepted.

  11. Am I allowed to travel with my cooked meal eg. Chicken

    No. The Ministry of Agriculture will not grant a permit for cooked meals.

  12. Can I import meats, fruits and vegetables?

    Yes, however, a permit should be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture prior to importation. It is also subject to inspection by the Veterinary Services Division upon importation.

  13. Can duty-free allowances be combined and used to clear shipment?

    No. Only one allowance is applicable per shipment

  14. How often do I get an allowance?

    Each passenger eighteen (18) years and older is entitled to the USD$500.00 allowance on every trip.

  15. Are minors entitled to the USD$500.00 duty free allowance?

    No. This allowance is for passengers eighteen (18) years and older.

  16. When do I need the services of a Customs Broker?

    A Customs Broker will be required when importing goods with a cost insurance and freight (CIF) of USD$5000.00 or more. A broker will also be required, when importing motor vehicles of any kind, regardless of the value.

  17. Are there any goods which will not be free from customs duty even though they had originated in CARICOM?

    No, all goods imported from CARICOM will be free of duties and taxes, provided that a Certificate of Origin is presented at time of clearance.

  18. What is the minimum value on which customs duty and taxes will not be applicable?

    Duties and taxes will not be applicable on goods of a value USD$50.00 or less on the FOB. This is known as the de minimis customs value.

  19. What is the procedure for importing goods/clearing goods intended for Charitable Organizations?

    Approval should first be granted from the Department of Co-Operatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS). Once this is obtained, a Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) and a Special Declaration (see forms for sample) are required and should be presented to Customs at the port of clearance. You will not be required to pay import duty and the GCT, however, fifty percent (50%) Customs Administrative Fee will be charged. Link to Charities

  20. Do I have to pay any duties on electronic devices (for personal use) that I intend to take back overseas with me?

    Each passenger is entitled to a duty-free allowance of US$500.00 for personal items. If the cumulative value of the items you are travelling with, falls within the US$500.00, then you will not be required to pay duties and taxes. However, if the value exceeds the US$500.00, you will be required to deposit the equivalent of the duties and taxes payable on the item (s), which is refunded on the day of departure, upon presentation of the item(s) to customs.

  21. What is the procedure for importing personal medical device or medications?

    ANSWER: For items requiring import permit, one should be obtained from the Ministry of Health. The applicable duties and taxes will be charged. (link to restricted/prohibited items)