Government of Jamaica 
Importer Obligations
The importer is required to:
- Give accurate and complete information concerning the goods imported.
- Answer truthfully any question raised by the Customs Officer.
- Provide/prove the accuracy of receipts, invoices, price paid etc. for goods imported (if so required).
- Obtain the relevant permits/Licenses/certificates before the arrival of goods, (if required).
- Provide any other authentic document that may further/help your case in verifying the “value” of goods, if goods are used.
Titbits And Reminders:
- The Customs Officers reserves the right to DOUBT any value you present and the burden of proof is on the importer.
- Always be truthful in your declarations to the Custom Officer.
- Always supply your authentic receipt.
- Permits should be obtained before goods arrive.
- Customs does not examine without you, or your agents presents.
- Be aware of the terms of engagement of the courier.
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